Reds to Blues
REDS TO BLUES curated by William Norton
September 3 through September 27, 2020
Opening Reception: Thursday September 3 from 6-9 pm
3 Women's Thoughtful Landscapes During Lockdown
Rejoice: even during this time of dangerous isolation, when the safest conditions to exist and advance have been fostered by female leaders around the globe, 3 indomitable, very ambitious women here in the NYC area have been singing their songs in paint and resins and repurposed materials, and have been running the scales: from being as coolly provocative as Sarah Vaughn to as unconquerably on fire as Tina Turner. "Nasty" women, whose talents and intelligence have been fiercely battling and slaying these silly dragons of misogyny, discrimination, and testosterone fueled ignorance, simply by working in their studios to create their powerful works.
Each of these artists already work within a form of abstracted landscape, either visually or philosophically interpreted. During this Covid 19 Lockdown they were forced to recognize their separation from the natural world outside their windows and what has been their studio world they naturally exist within, with eyes focused on new possibilities.